Shocked by your commercial electricity bills?

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Has your business’ electricity bill ever caused you to sweat bullets? If your answer is “Yes,” then you’ve experienced energy bill shock.

But just because it’s more than what you were expecting,  it doesn’t mean that your utility provider is padding your bill. There may be some perfectly valid reasons why your charges are more expensive. Let’s have a look at them first, then we’ll share some tips to avoid bill shock.

Common reasons for a price hike

Cause for electric bill shock  - new equipment
Cause for electric bill shock  - extreme weather
Cause for electric bill shock - site is not energy efficient
Cause for higher bills - changes in your network tariffs
Cause for higher bills - government energy policies can impact prices
Cause for higher bills - billing errors

What can you do to fix it?

First of all, you should always stay on top of your energy consumption. Take small steps to ensure you are not wasting your electricity. It can be as simple as making sure all lights and equipment are turned off at the end of the day.

It also helps to understand your bill, so you know if you’re being charged correctly or not. Talk to your provider if you see any problems. (Read more about network tariffs.)

Making your site more energy efficient should also be a priority. You can do anything from installing better insulation or window treatments, buying equipment with good energy ratings to getting a smart meter hooked up. These can go a long way towards lowering your bills. 

Finally, talk to the people who know how to reduce commercial energy costs. Leading Edge Energy can take control of your electricity consumption and stop energy bill shock for good!

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