Solar Energy Tenders & Battery
Storage Procurement

Installing a rooftop solar generation system is becoming more affordable, and when coupled with a battery, your business can reap financial rewards and decrease its carbon footprint. But with so much information and market complexity, it can be hard to work out the right solution to meet your needs.

Leading Edge Energy makes the procurement process for solar energy and battery storage easier. We do this by running a full analysis of the best solution available, tendering for the recommended system, and providing analysis and breakdown of the return on investment.

Solar Energy Tenders

There are many benefits to businesses that adopt solar energy, including cost reductions and decreasing the risk of reliance on the grid. But commercial adoption has been slow, likely due to confusion caused by all the noise in the market from media and various industry participants.

Leading Edge Energy will help cut through the noise by presenting the best possible options for your business so you can make a well-informed and confident decision. We start by rationalising the system design and specifications to ensure all the photovoltaic (PV) system providers deliver quotes that can be reviewed on a like-forlike basis.

Our service includes system design, specification and tender outcome reporting. We also provide our clients with monitoring and support for the system to ensure it is working correctly for the life of the system – as long as you remain a customer through our rates service.

Battery Storage Procurement

Battery storage, which is meant for reserving energy for later use like during blackouts or during energy demand peaks, is becoming more affordable and it is especially cost-effective when used in tandem with a solar energy generation system.

Leading Edge Energy can evaluate your current PV system and give advice on whether battery storage could be a useful addition to reduce peak energy charges and demand/capacity charges.

Our service includes system design, specification and tender outcome reporting. We also provide our clients with monitoring and support for the system to ensure it is working correctly for the life of the system – as long as you remain a customer through our rates service.

How we’ve helped others

After installing the solar system, and 5 other technologies to reduce wasted energy, the establishment’s consumption has dropped by over a whopping one third.

As a result, we were able to apply for a new network tariff to relate to the new consumption. This led to an additional saving of $7,000 and no more demand charges! We also put a new tender out for the company’s natural gas supply, securing yet another saving of $1,000 per annum.

Solar and battery storage can vastly improve your business’ energy efficiency and help with reducing costs and carbon emissions -goals which are no doubt important to you as a business owner. If you’re interested in seeing if your business can benefit from solar and battery storage procurement assistance from Leading Edge Energy, Get Started here.

Get Started with Solar and Battery Storage Procurement

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