I understand that by appointing Fortiserve Group Pty Ltd (Agent) as our Agent,
- Agent is providing a professional service in good faith and at no cost. The integrity of Agent’s tender process relies on genuine engagement from tender participants. We agree to ensure that an authorised representative will be made available to respond to any offer that is presented to the company by Agent.
- I am providing Agent with permission to contact energy providers to request account data. Agent may use this information for the purpose of arranging pricing offers from a range of energy providers on our behalf. Under no circumstances does this authority give Agent permission to enter into contracts or accept offers on our behalf.
- We understand that any offer negotiated by Leading Edge Energy on our behalf is subject to a strict offer expiry date, a favourable credit assessment, and could be withdrawn by the retailer at any time prior to the expiry period.
- Fortiserve may contact us from time to time in the future to share special offers.